Edward has met with Inspector Darren Richardson, Melton's borough police commander, to discuss local policing issues and priorities. Their discussion covered rural crime and issues of traffic and speeding on country roads and through villages, and much of their discussion focussed on Melton Mowbray itself and the importance of a visible and active police presence around the town, not only responding to calls for help and reports of crime, but helping to deter and prevent it. As well as talking about funding ahead of next months’ announcement by the Government of the funding settlement for the Police, and local resourcing, Edward took the opportunity to highlight the importance of our local police maintaining a sustained focus on tackling anti-social behaviour and retail crime/ shoplifting in the town centre, building on their current work on this issue.
Edward said: ”Tackling ASB in Melton, and crime more broadly, was something I highlighted as a priority for me during the recent election campaign. While retail crime and shoplifting has risen across our region, and county recently, it was encouraging to hear from our local police that in Melton, following them having prioritized tackling it, it has in fact fallen. But there is no room for complacency, and there is a need for continued work and focus locally on this. I want to thank our local police team for the work they are doing to tackle crime and keep our community safe.”